Increase Speed ​​Internet Access & Security - DNS Jumper

When we opened the address of a website, for example, then there is a mechanism (system) that will change the name of the address into the address understood by machines, which is the IP address (Internet Protocol / IP Addresses). The system is regulated by a protocol called Domain Name System / DNS.

With the DNS, then we do not need to remember IP addresses are hard to remember. For example will translate into So that we can directly open google by typing the IP address in the URL of the web browser we use. But this is certainly not efficient, because how many addresses like this that we have to memorize? so the DNS role is very important.

When connected to the Internet, it is usually the system (computer) will automatically set the address of the DNS server that will be used to translate the address of the website that we visit. Actually, the DNS settings we can change yourself, because a lot of the DNS addresses that can be used (available), so the faster we access the DNS server, then the faster access to the targeted site. 

To help us set the DNS address in our computer, one of the free programs that can be used is DNS Jumper. With this free program and portable, we can check the various existing DNS address and find out how their access speed. So we can choose the fastest DNS server to be used on a computer. 

The use of DNS Jumper is quite easy. First we select the devices that we use a network connection (Network Adapter), whether using wired LAN, WiFi, or other. Then click the button with a picture of 'refresh' to see how the DNS server that is currently used in our computer. Click 'Check Response Time' (under DNS Server address) to find out how fast the DNS server access.

We can change the DNS server addresses by selecting the 'Manual DNS Server' and manually input the DNS address below. For more convenience, we can compare the various existing DNS address and choose the fastest. This is how:
  1. Click the "Fastest DNS" from the main page  
  2. After the new window appears "DNS Jumper v1.0.6 - Fastest DNS", select from the list of addresses which will be checked, then click the button "Find Fastest DNS"
  3. Once completed, it will show the address where the most rapid access. Select the address and then click "Apply Fastest DNS"
  4.  Then the computer will use the DNS server addresses that we have chosen 

 Despite Jumper provides many alternative DNS DNS server that can be used, but most of these addresses are in the U.S. (America). Therefore, we can add your own DNS server addresses that exist in our country. How to add a new DNS server in the DNS Jumper as follows:
  1. From the main page, click the button with the image of "serrations" option right next to the DNS Server  
  2. After the new window appears, enter the DNS Server 1 and 2, as well as how to order will be placed on the list of DNS  
  3. Give the name of the DNS server in accordance with our wishes 
  4. Click the "Add" (with a picture added), to add to the list. If you want to delete, select it from the list and click the Delete button 
  5. Once added, then we can check the "Fastest DNS" as before 
We can also add their own groups for a particular address, for example in the existing DNS Jumper Default Group and Security (exemplified some DNS addresses that focuses on security).

Besides finding the fastest DNS server address access, DNS Jumper also provides a menu (button) "Flush DNS" function to clear the DNS cache created by the windows. Due to speed up access to websites, the windows are usually made ​​cache to store frequently visited addresses. When changing the address of a website, and can not be accessed, just click this button to clear the cache in order to create new ones. 

Download DNS Jumper ( 537 KB)

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